How to Reduce Wedding Stress

Reduce Wedding Stress

Organising all the different components of a  wedding can be one of the most stressful things you’ve ever done. It’s a good idea to try and simplify things were possible, because stress can be really bad for your health. For instance,  signing up for a wedding package will save you looking for a photographer, although you may still want one for the ceremony or for more formal studio photographs, depending on how formal your wedding is to be.

Some short-term stress is good for you. It gets the adrenaline running and enables you to perform at a higher level when needed. But stress that goes on for a long time such as the months it takes to plan a wedding can eat away at you insidiously, causing all kinds of health problems and even make you difficult to get on with.

Doctors now realise that ongoing stress causes or plays a big part in causing many significant diseases and other health problems that may be more minor but are nevertheless uncomfortable to endure. Stress even plays a part in your body succumbing to the common cold. If the bride to be becomes irritable and snappy during the months preceding the wedding it really spoils the relationship as well as the wedding day. A day that should be the happiest of all is ruined simply due to stress.

Simplifying your wedding arrangements will help to reduce this bad stress and get your relationships back on an even footing. Delegating jobs is a good way to start. Don’t try and do everything yourself, but ask others to arrange certain components.  You can have different people organising the following:

    • Flowers for the bouquets, tables and other decorations
    • The wedding cake
    • The bridesmaid robes
    • The reception venue
    • Booking all the hair appointments and makeup
    • The drinks
    • The wedding DJ and music
    • The catering
    • The invitations and place cards
