7 Benefits Of Including An Outdoor Cooking Space In Landscape Designs

7 Benefits Of Including An Outdoor Cooking Space In Landscape Designs

One of the most common queries that landscape designers receive from their clients is about the inclusion of a cooking area within the completed garden.

This can be anything from a small space for a portable barbecue grill to a huge cooking area with multiple burners, a double oven, a grill, and possibly even a refrigerator.

Whichever end of the scale you think your garden might be on, you have to know that having a cooking area in your landscaped garden presents you with so many benefits, apart from the obvious one of the ability to cook outdoors.


3 Must Have Juicing Ingredients

3 Must Have Juicing Ingredients

Fruit and vegetables are good for us. Period. But we’re just not eating enough of them. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) only 49.8% of people aged 18 years and over are meeting the health guidelines for the 2 recommended daily serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables. So how do we fix it? How do we sneak in your kids’ 5+ per day?

Let’s juice it up! Juicing is a quick and effective way to increase the amount of vegetables in your diet. Base your juices on one of these three amazing ingredients:

  • Go green: Spinach contains loads of essential nutrients that our bodies need such as iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A and C and potassium.
  • Go red: Beetroot is full of antioxidants and folate which boosts your stamina and supports liver detoxification.
  • Go orange: Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene which are both powerful antioxidants and essential for glowing skin.

Be creative with your juices! Add ginger and lemon for a zesty kick start or some cucumber and apple for a refreshing pick-me-up. When juicing the key is to make sure the bulk contain veggies and not too many fruits which, when juiced, increase sugar content. Try adding coconut water if you need some sweetness.


Vegan Snacks - What’s the Best?

Vegan Snacks – What’s the Best?

Up to 2.5 million Australians are now vegetarian, with a percentage of those also vegan – eating no animal-based food and using no animal products at all. If veganism is something you’ve considered, but you’ve struggled to find delicious recipes, then you’re in the right place. Here are some vegan snacks that may be worth trying to see if this lifestyle is right for you.

Guacamole on Crackers

Whether you buy guacamole or make it yourself, it’s a delicious and nutritious snack option. You can make it from avocado, lime juice, onion, and garlic, and pair it with your crackers of choice. There are many different guacamole recipes online that could be worth a try.

This vegan snack is one you can have at home, take to work, or even bring to a shared lunch. As an added bonus, it’s an excellent source of fibre, potassium, and monounsaturated fats.

Trail Mix

Whether you’re low on energy or you need a delicious animal product-free snack, trail mix can be the answer. Once again, you can make this food yourself or buy it pre-made. The benefit of making it yourself is you can customise what you put in it.

Most people add nuts, seeds, dried fruit, coconut, crackers, and even chocolate. There are plenty of vegan chocolate options on the market to choose from.


10 Ways To Ensure You Are Hiring Commercial Carpet Cleaning Professionals

10 Ways To Ensure You Are Hiring Commercial Carpet Cleaning Professionals

Given the significant cost of replacing commercial carpets, especially in larger business premises such as a suite of offices, the need to care for and maintain commercial carpets properly, is key to prolonging their lifespan. There are lots of ways this can be done, but the most effective is to hire professional commercial carpet cleaners.

By doing so, you will have experts in carpet care who can not only keep your carpets looking great for longer, but can also ensure that the lifespan of your commercial carpets is maximised. This all sounds good, but there is one huge caveat. That is you must ensure that the commercial cleaning company you employ, are genuine professionals.

Given the huge demand for commercial carpet cleaning, there will be lots of companies vying for your custom, and as there is with any service industry, there are going to be the great, the good, the average and unfortunately the downright useless when it comes to individual carpet cleaning companies.

So, let us provide you with 10 simple ways you can ensure that the commercial carpet cleaning team you are hiring are genuine professionals and are going to provide you with exceptional service.

Do They Have Testimonials/Reviews?

Something you should look for with any company is their reviews and testimonials. These can be found on their website, social media and review websites like Trustpilot.


19th Nutrition and Food Summit

19th Global Summit on Nutrition, Health & Food Technology

The International Conference on Nutrition and Food Technology 2018 will be held during September 26-27 in San Antonio, Texas discussing the following scientific sessions but not limited to:

Food Technologies | Green Food and Meat | Aqua, Sea and Dairy Food | Genetic Engineering (GE): The Future of Foods? | Food Process Engineering: Control and Automation| Food Packaging, Preservation and Labeling | Public Health and Community Nutrition: Read more



Red Wine and Fish

Red Wine and Fish – Hot or Not?

Not everyone knows that it can be tricky to pair red wine and fish together – not even the experienced waiter at your local restaurant, or the supplier of online wine with the help of professional wine reviews. Often, you only find out after it’s too late that maybe that delicate fish would have been better with a Riesling instead.

However, while there are more instances where red wine and fish don’t work than there are situations when they do, you may find this information below helpful. In fact, these tips may be something you can keep in the back of your mind the next time you order fish at your local restaurant.

Chilled for Grilled

If you are going to be eating grilled fish, or fish that has been barbecued, seared, or features an intense marinade or sauce, then chilled red wine is going to pair beautifully. If it’s light enough and it can cut through even the oiliest of fish and intense flavors to gel beautifully in the mouth. Read the descriptions on the bottles when you’re buying from an online wine provider to make sure it’s not going to be too rich.

Served with Meat

There is nothing better than a delicious Surf ‘n’ Turf at your local restaurant. But, it soon calls for a beverage with which to wash it down. Believe it or not, when you pair seafood and fish with meat, red wine seems to work quite well. In fact, in Spanish cuisine, it’s not uncommon for chilled wine to accompany fish and chorizo dishes.


Wine and Cheese

Wine and Cheese – What Works Best?

It seems to be a classic combination – wine and cheese. It appears on many restaurant menus, and even online wine shops sell cheeseboard utensils so you can make a real event of it. However, did you know not all cheese will work with all wine, and vice versa?

Because of the cheese varieties on offer, as well as the various wine options, it’s fair to say not all are going to be matches made in heaven. If you’re planning a wine and cheese night with the girls and you’re not sure what works and what doesn’t, consider these pairs below.

Aged with Bold

A common rule to follow when trying to match cheese with wine is to think about their intensity. Is the wine or cheese strong in flavour? Or, is one stronger than the other? If you were to select an oaky red and pair it with a mild Gruyere, for example, you would find the wine overpowers the cheese.

Therefore, always match intensity levels. Aged cheese with bold red wine is a good example. As cheese ages, the flavours become more intense. As a result, the high tannin level in the wine begins to complement the fat content and richness of the cheese. Most combinations you see on any restaurant menu will work well, but if you’re not sure, think of the number one rule: equal intensity.

Tip: If you have purchased a rich red wine from your local bottle store or an online wine shop, select Gouda, Parmesan, and Provolone cheese to accompany it.


7 Foods that Fight Cancer


Almost everyone would know someone with cancer of some kind. This dreadful disease seems to be at epidemic proportions nowadays so what can we do to fight it? It may seem too simple, but the foods we eat give our bodies cancer fighting nutrients that can help to prevent it from affecting us – but only if we eat the right kind of foods.

What are they? Many vegetables and fruit contain health and life giving nutrients, but some have more in them than others. Here are some to include in your diet to help prevent cancer.

  • Broccoli – while all cruciferous vegetables do contain cancer-fighting properties, broccoli is the one that contains high levels of sulforaphane. This potent compound will boost your protective enzymes and flush out the kinds of chemicals that cause cancer, according to Jed Fahey ScD. A study in Michigan University proved that sulforaphane also targets cancer stem cells that cause tumours.


Foods for A Healthy Soul

12There is a growing need for people to improve their lifestyle through the means of supplementing their diet with the proper foods that are enriched with the right minerals and vitamins. You need to ensure that you consume whole foods that contain a high amount of fibers, enzymes that catalyze the reactions in the digestive tract etc. In this section we have taken the privilege to find the right foods for you which will translate into a better self reflecting image of yourself – if you haven’t tried it already, we’d recommend trying food combining as well.

Foods for the Soul:


There should be a high intake of almonds in your dietary system. These almonds help you in maintaining and balancing the protein and the magnesium content in your body which is necessary for building the tissue of your body. A snack of almonds consisting of 14-15 almonds that are unsalted will take your body a long way.


Your body is in continuous need of antioxidants that will help your tissue from aging and that combat free radicals. These radicals inhibit the growth of your tissues and make your tissues and cells degenerate. Most of the researches have proved that there is a correlation in the use of antioxidants and that of increase in lifespan.


5 Foods you should Eat Everyday


There has been an old saying that “what you are is what you eat”. This statement is partially true with research supporting this fact. There has been research in the field to check the personality along with the food intake of a person. There is evidence of food that help you improve your stress, help memory as well as aid you in your sleep. That is why there is a need to choose the foodstuffs you need in your dietary plan. In this section we will take a look at some of the most essential foods for your diets.

5 Essential foods:

Water: A huge proportion of our bodies consist of water which is surprising. This is the why you need to replenish your body with water every time your water levels run down. Make sure that you include your diet with foods that provide you with enough water to help you sustain your health. Men should drink around 3 liters of water and women should consume around 2.2 liters of water in their diets. It is not necessary to drink only water but fluids that contain a good percentage of water which can be extracted into the body.


Why Is Breakfast Considered The Most Important Meal Of The Day?


Out of all the big and mini meals we consume on a daily basis, breakfast is considered to be the most important of them.

It was in the 13th century that the word, ‘breakfast’ came into existence. It was essentially introduced after the verb form of ‘breakfasting’ and ‘breakfasted,’ and it was called that because it would be the first meal after fasting since the previous evening’s meal.

Not only does breakfast kick – start your metabolism but also energizes your body to get things done all throughout the day. One tends to achieve a better focus, and several studies have even linked consuming healthy breakfast to the key of preventing heart diseases and another body – related diseases.

It is as simple as this when you wake up; your body requires blood sugar to push your brain and muscles to function properly. Moreover, if you skip breakfast, then you are more likely to over – eat later in the day.

Following given are some of the benefits of having healthy and timely breakfast:

  1. Proper Breakfast Allows Adequate Body functioning

When you sleep for 8 to 10 hours, your body’s glucose levels tend to decrease. Breakfast is a way of restoring glucose levels in your body. Greater glucose levels improve memory and concentration levels by making the brain healthier. It keeps us happier and stress-free at most times.


Bali Kuta Beach Launches First Johnny Rockets Restaurant


Bali tourists and locals are excited as Bali launches the first Johnny Rockets Restaurant. With thousands of travelers visiting Bali’s world class beaches and holiday villas every day, there is a rich tourist market in the area that is well suited to the American dining experience.

Just like the 300 other Johnny Rockets throughout 16 countries, this latest Johnny Rockets offers delicious all American meals along with some of your favorite regional dishes. From delicious hamburgers to delicious shakes, you can enjoy the music from the past eight decades as you dine.

Steve Devine, president of Johnny Rockets International, met with hospitality titan Wiryanti Sukamdani to sign an agreement to open five Johnny Rockets restaurants in the next five years throughout Indonesia.

Wiryanti brings a great deal of experience in the industry to the Johnny Rockets restaurant and is an excellent choice for a franchise partner. Sukamdani has a degree in Hotel Administration from Cornell University, and he runs Riyanti Investama International Group. He was also a member of the Indonesia Parliament and the founder of the Indonesian tourism board.


What Type of Wines you need to Pair with Veggie Burgers


Wines always go about with any of the food items but choosing a wine to suit your burgers can be a complex task. Wine was made to go about with some of the delicate foods. Burgers on the other hand are fast foods that need a different form of wine to go along with it. In this section we will take a look at how to choose the wines.

If you have already chosen a beautiful white as your wine of choice, here is a list of foods that go well when served with a Sauvignon Blanc, otherwise, here is a list that will help you get the right wine for your burgers so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Tip 1:

Since the burger is junk food stuff you need to make sure to get a full bodied wine for enjoying your dish. You can also enjoy your burger if you pair it with sparkling wine which will ensure the flavors of the burger emanate from it.

Tip 2:

Is there a vegetable which dominates in your vegetable burger? If there is a burger that has a single vegetable dominating in it then you need to choose a wine that will help in intensifying the effect of that single veggie. For instance if you have mushroom dominating in your burger, you can choose the pinot noir while the asparagus will pair brilliantly with a glass of chardonnay. You need to identify the various vegetables that are dominant and choose a wine based on it.


Top Tips On What To Eat When You Are Training

What To Eat

Training requires fuel, but it has to be the right kind of fuel or all that exercising will be wasted as you pile on the weight. When you eat properly before training it gives you more stamina to get through all those workouts. When you eat properly afterwards, it helps your body recover well so you can keep on with your training goals.

Here are some experts tips on what to eat when training.


  • Before – Simple and complex carbohydrates are essential for giving your body the fuel it needs to go through your training regime. It’s important that the energy is released in a slow and steady way during the whole routine. Whole wheat toast with banana and cinnamon is a good way to get what you need. The toast provides long term energy and the fruit will replenish the potassium lost when you sweat. Cinnamon is said to stabilise blood sugar as well as improve brain function.
  • After– try chicken with mixed vegetables in olive oil. This gives you lean protein and carbs without making you feel bloated.


The Importance of a Healthy Diet for the Disabled

Healthy Diet for Disabled

It is important for everyone to have a healthy diet if they want to enjoy their life for longer. But for people with a disability it is even more important. In fact, you could say it is an essential part of their care and should be something that is a normal part of their lifestyle. Why? Disabled people usually have many more health problems than others.

If they have a diet filled with fast food or high sugar snacks they are even more likely than others to succumb to diseases such as diabetes and other problems. A poor diet will make them even more likely to become obese because they cannot move around and exercise to the same extent as other people, especially if they are wheelchair bound.
