3 Ways to Stay Healthy When You Have a Disability

Stay Healthy With Disability

When you have a disability such as a lost limb, vision problem or a disease that affects you physically it is all the more important to stay healthy. And sometimes it is extremely difficult to do the things you should in order to gain optimum health. All you can do is try your best and be guided by your doctor or health care professionals. Here are some of the ways you can stay healthy both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Physically: Get all the exercise you can with your type of disability. Whether you go to a gym, can swim in a pool, have some form of exercise aides in your home or depend on another person to help you exercise, it is vital to move your body in as many ways as possible to keep as fit as you can. If you don’t it will be very difficult to stay healthy and your muscles will just waste away until you can hardly move at all.

Mentally: Exercise of the mind is just as important as exercising the body, no matter if you have a disability or not. However, a disabled person is often deprived of the many sights and sounds that can stir up the mind and imagination to become creative and educated as far as possible. Letting your mind go to the pack can make it difficult for people to relate to you, talk to you and make you understand what it is necessary for you to know in order to stay fit physically and in your mental health. There are many ways to exercise your mind, from watching documentaries and even movies on TV to reading informational books and magazines. You may be able to take a correspondence course in something you are interested in. Doing various kinds of puzzles, learning a craft and even playing cards also helps your mind to stay active.


10 Training Tips for People Serious about Exercising

Exercising tips

Many people are really serious about training properly so their bodies are in top shape all the time. Others just want to lose a bit of weight or to sculpt some part of their body so it looks firmer. That’s okay too; having some kind of goal, such as running a marathon or losing 5 kilos, is important and helps you to focus. Here are some training tips and strategies to help anyone achieve their best during training.

  • When you are serious about training, you’ll be doing it most days. That means your body needs more fuel. It is far better to eat 5 small meals a day than 3 larger ones. Make sure every mouthful is nutrient dense. When you eat your metabolism is stimulated.
  • Stay hydrated because you’ll be sweating hard during training. Some fitness experts recommend drinking a glass of ice cold water first thing in the morning as it boosts your metabolism for 90 minutes.
  • Lower body resistance training is needed to flatten your waistline. You also need to eat fewer carbs and calories.
  • To burn stored body fat you need to exercise past the 20 minute mark, because during that first 20 minutes your body burns carbohydrates rather than stored fats for its fuel.
  • If the scales don’t show a decrease in weight over several weeks it’s probably because you are gaining muscle as well as losing weight. Get a more accurate picture by taking photos of the back, front and side of your body so you can see how it’s changing. Make sure to wear the same clothing and be in the same light conditions each week.


Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cholesterol


Even though cholesterol is made in the body, it can be increased by the things we eat. Having high cholesterol is really bad for you as it blocks up the arteries and prevents the blood from going through  the way it should. This can cause heart attack, stroke or other problems such as poor circulation.

There are two kinds of cholesterol; high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). The former is good and the latter is bad because this is what gives you the kind of cholesterol that blocks the blood vessels. This is known as plaque and causes the arteries to harden and narrow so the blood flow is restricted, causing heart pain and often, heart attack.

Here are some easy ways to reduce your cholesterol levels so you can be healthier.

  • Eat less saturated fats such as that from meat and junk foods.
  • Eat more healthy choices such as vegetables fruit and nuts.
  • Reduce your intake of processed meats such as sausages, Devon, ham and hot dogs.
  • Avoid the skin of chicken.
  • Have low fat or no fat option in drinks, cheese and yoghurt.
  • Go low on the bought cake and biscuits – home made (not packet cakes) are better.
  • Get plenty of exercise. This also helps to lower cholesterol.


How Financial Planning Can Help Carers

Financial Planning

There are many unsung heroes in the world and those who care for an ill spouse or disabled child are high on the list. The only trouble is that according to statistics, carers are under such stress from what is often a 24/7 job that they end up dying ahead of those they care for. Financial planning with good advice from a financial advisor like Andep can really help these wonderful people stay the course so they are on hand to care for their loved one right till the end – something they would really want to do.

A financial planner or advisor is needed to help carers plan their daily budget as well as making plans for the future to ensure their loved one is taken care of if they are not there to do it.  Once the stress of financial matters is taken care of, the carer will be less likely to suffer from a stress-related disease that could be fatal.


10 Health Benefits of Laughter

Benefits of Laughter

If you want to hear lots of laughter at your wedding reception or party, hire a photo booth so your guests can dress up and have a lot of fun taking funny photos of themselves and their friends. Laughter gives us many health benefits and here are some of them.

  • While it may seem like a simple thing to do, laughter is considered to be a great workout because it exercises your shoulders, diaphragm, abdomen and respiratory system. This is why having a good belly laugh makes you feel relaxed and happy afterwards.
  • Laughter relieves stress, decreasing stress hormones such as cortisol in the body, while at the same time increasing health-inducing chemicals. It stimulates the blood circulation and gives your muscles a gentle workout that stimulates them and alleviates stress.


How to Reduce Stress in Business


Stress that goes on for a long time without any relief is very bad for you. It can cause many different physical symptoms from indigestion and ulcers to stroke and heart attack. If you run a business or have work such as a business consultant where you are dealing with many different kinds of people and their problems, stress is sure to accompany your working week.

To stay healthy, it is important to find ways of reducing your stress. To do that well, you need to define what kind of stress you have.

  • Emotional stress – this is caused by dealing with people who may be hard to get on with for some reason. It may be the boss who expects you to get through a workload that is too heavy. It could be clients change their minds constantly causing you to lose time in redoing something they don’t want or are not satisfied with. Or it could be caused by other employees that harass you or cause problems at work in some other way. Emotional stress from home can even cause your business day to be stressful.


How to Cut the Cost of Travel


If you have to travel for more than an hour to work, it could be costing you a great deal more than you realise. It is not only the cost of fuel and wear and tear on the car, there is the cost in time you need to consider. It may be much better for you to find some removalists like Brilliance Removalists who can move you to a new home, instead of spending all your spare time travelling.

Just imagine what you could do with that extra two or more hours a day if you didn’t have to use them up in travelling to and from work. If you live close to work you would not have to –

  • Get up so early
  • Spend so much on fuel, parking etc
  • Become hassled over driving in peak hour traffic
  • Worry whether you might have a car crash
  • Get home so late you don’t see the children before bedtime

Instead, you’ll have more time and more energy to –


10 Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy


Heart health is important, since many people die of heart attacks every year. Most heart attacks have serious consequences even if they are not fatal. You have to take a great deal of care once you’ve had one and it can totally change your life. But by following these 10 simple tips, you can keep your heart much healthier and avoid having a heart attack.

  • Reduce or give up smoking. Smoking is very bad for heart health since it reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. It not only increases the risk of heart attack, but of other baddies such as stroke.
  • Manage your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the blood that sticks to the walls of your arteries, preventing blood from flowing freely through your heart.
  • Watch your blood pressure and take medication to reduce it if it’s too high. High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. It’s dangerous because you can’t feel anything wrong. It is wise to have your blood pressure checked every time you go to a chemist. It’s usually free.
  • If you have diabetes, your risk of heart attack is higher. Always follow the doctor’s orders to best manage your diabetes.
  • Exercise is an important part of staying healthy. If you have a sitting down job, try and get up at least once an hour to stretch your legs and get the blood flowing to keep your heart healthy and prevent deep vein thrombosis. Go walking, cycling, dancing or swimming. Play in the park with your kids. Take up gardening.
  • Keep your weight down by exercise and by eating healthy foods – and amounts. Obese people are more at risk of heart attack. You may need help to get weight down to an acceptable level if you’ve tried and failed to lose weight.


Training Your Child – the Hard Part of Parenting


Training your child may be considered by many parents to be the more difficult part of parenting. It’s easy to change a toddler’s dirty nappy, but not so easy to train him or her to use the toilet. It’s easier to feed your toddler than to let them learn by doing it themselves. Both the above scenarios are essential if you don’t want your carpet to get dirtied with food or other unmentionables. Carpet cleaners such as Brilliance Carpet Cleaning will always be necessary when you have kids, but it can be minimised with the right training.

However, training takes patience and you should not expect your little ones to learn something on the first day. Their little minds don’t always grasp the concepts of cleanliness that you present to them. And when they do, it takes longer to establish the habit in them.  You may love hugs and kisses, bathing and dressing your child up in pretty clothes, but training them to be and do what you want is a whole other ball game. So how can you make it easier?


7 Foods that Fight Cancer


Almost everyone would know someone with cancer of some kind. This dreadful disease seems to be at epidemic proportions nowadays so what can we do to fight it? It may seem too simple, but the foods we eat give our bodies cancer fighting nutrients that can help to prevent it from affecting us – but only if we eat the right kind of foods.

What are they? Many vegetables and fruit contain health and life giving nutrients, but some have more in them than others. Here are some to include in your diet to help prevent cancer.

  • Broccoli – while all cruciferous vegetables do contain cancer-fighting properties, broccoli is the one that contains high levels of sulforaphane. This potent compound will boost your protective enzymes and flush out the kinds of chemicals that cause cancer, according to Jed Fahey ScD. A study in Michigan University proved that sulforaphane also targets cancer stem cells that cause tumours.


How to Reduce Wedding Stress

Reduce Wedding Stress

Organising all the different components of a  wedding can be one of the most stressful things you’ve ever done. It’s a good idea to try and simplify things were possible, because stress can be really bad for your health. For instance,  signing up for a wedding package will save you looking for a photographer, although you may still want one for the ceremony or for more formal studio photographs, depending on how formal your wedding is to be.

Some short-term stress is good for you. It gets the adrenaline running and enables you to perform at a higher level when needed. But stress that goes on for a long time such as the months it takes to plan a wedding can eat away at you insidiously, causing all kinds of health problems and even make you difficult to get on with.

Doctors now realise that ongoing stress causes or plays a big part in causing many significant diseases and other health problems that may be more minor but are nevertheless uncomfortable to endure. Stress even plays a part in your body succumbing to the common cold. If the bride to be becomes irritable and snappy during the months preceding the wedding it really spoils the relationship as well as the wedding day. A day that should be the happiest of all is ruined simply due to stress.

Simplifying your wedding arrangements will help to reduce this bad stress and get your relationships back on an even footing. Delegating jobs is a good way to start. Don’t try and do everything yourself, but ask others to arrange certain components.  You can have different people organising the following:

    • Flowers for the bouquets, tables and other decorations
    • The wedding cake
    • The bridesmaid robes
    • The reception venue
    • Booking all the hair appointments and makeup
    • The drinks
    • The wedding DJ and music
    • The catering
    • The invitations and place cards


Foods for A Healthy Soul

12There is a growing need for people to improve their lifestyle through the means of supplementing their diet with the proper foods that are enriched with the right minerals and vitamins. You need to ensure that you consume whole foods that contain a high amount of fibers, enzymes that catalyze the reactions in the digestive tract etc. In this section we have taken the privilege to find the right foods for you which will translate into a better self reflecting image of yourself – if you haven’t tried it already, we’d recommend trying food combining as well.

Foods for the Soul:


There should be a high intake of almonds in your dietary system. These almonds help you in maintaining and balancing the protein and the magnesium content in your body which is necessary for building the tissue of your body. A snack of almonds consisting of 14-15 almonds that are unsalted will take your body a long way.


Your body is in continuous need of antioxidants that will help your tissue from aging and that combat free radicals. These radicals inhibit the growth of your tissues and make your tissues and cells degenerate. Most of the researches have proved that there is a correlation in the use of antioxidants and that of increase in lifespan.


The Health Benefits of Landscape Design

Benefits of Landscape Desig

Landscape design is meant to create a beautiful outdoor space that people enjoy spending time in, but it does far more than most people realise for their health. Many studies have shown that spending time outdoors either in a natural bush environment or one that has been created on purpose, has many health benefits for those who are sick in some way, either mentally or physically.

In fact, one Perth hospital has had an outdoor space designed especially to help in the recovery and rehabilitation of patients who have been injured in some way and for those who are suffering from mental problems such as depression. Simply walking around the area the way it is designed, gives patients small challenges to overcome and helps them to exercise in a way that gets those injured muscles working. Their carers can actually measure their improvements daily due to small markers that are not very noticeable, so don’t spoil the landscape.

Many people realise that being outside in such a space either at home or at a public park, for instance, makes them feel much less stressed and has a calming influence.  Most doctors agree that constant, long-lasting stress is big factor in causing many diseases as the effect it has on the body is so negative. It can cause high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack or stroke and many other nasty health problems.


How To Combat Against Skin Infection In Summer?

2The season of summer means more physical activities and outdoor exposures. People get a chance to flex their muscles finally and get out in the sun after the long winters. But the major drawback in this season is the skin irritation and infections it causes. It is obvious to sweat in summer, and that means it is easy to catch infections.

There are various kinds of skin infections that a person develops during summer. However, with proper care and attention, these can be treated well. A person needs to make sure he takes care of his skin, both before and during the infection. Some of the major skin infections and their treatments are given below.

Heat Rash: As the name suggests, this infection is caused due to the intense heat in the summers. It is caused due to the perspiration being trapped in the sweat ducts. It takes the shape of tiny red bumps in skin folds or other places where clothes cause friction.

Treatment: It usually heals itself if the skin is given enough air. It is advisable to wear clothes that are lightweight and breathable and avoid creamy and oily ointments. These rashes last for around 2 or 3 days, but if they still don’t cure, you should see a doctor as it can be an infection.

Poison IvyThese plants are not specifically poisonous, but many people may be allergic to them, and this may cause them to develop allergic reactions. These may include red patches along with swelling, warmth and itching. It can normally be seen after 12 – 72 hours of contact.

Treatment: Prevention is better than cure, and thus, it is advisable to wash hands and clothes after any contact. If the infection still occurs, you can use OTC calamine or else antihistamine depending on the severity to control itching. Once the itching is sustained, use a topical cream. If this still doesn’t help, you should consult a doctor.


Health Benefits Of Yoga And Meditation

1Meditation and yoga have always been in our culture since ages; that is, ever since the emergence of Vedas. It is beneficial in many ways and has some benefits associated. Yoga helps to reduce weight and get a healthier and toned body. It also makes the skin shine making you look and feel attractive.

You can attain peace of mind by practicing yoga and meditation on a regular basis. If practiced yoga alone or meditation is alone, then also you can achieve many benefits. There are innumerable benefits that one can avail through yoga and meditation. Few of them are discussed below in brief.

  1. It Helps to Manage Stress

If you are practicing yoga regularly, then you can manage your stress with ease. Yoga helps in decreasing the inflammatory response made to the stressors on the body, which leads to a decrease in the possibility of stress and stress-related situations.

High blood pressure can be avoided by yoga and meditation as these practices help in reducing the stress level of both mind and body. On the other hand, meditation is responsible for the reduction in anxiety disorder and panic disorders too.


5 Foods you should Eat Everyday


There has been an old saying that “what you are is what you eat”. This statement is partially true with research supporting this fact. There has been research in the field to check the personality along with the food intake of a person. There is evidence of food that help you improve your stress, help memory as well as aid you in your sleep. That is why there is a need to choose the foodstuffs you need in your dietary plan. In this section we will take a look at some of the most essential foods for your diets.

5 Essential foods:

Water: A huge proportion of our bodies consist of water which is surprising. This is the why you need to replenish your body with water every time your water levels run down. Make sure that you include your diet with foods that provide you with enough water to help you sustain your health. Men should drink around 3 liters of water and women should consume around 2.2 liters of water in their diets. It is not necessary to drink only water but fluids that contain a good percentage of water which can be extracted into the body.


Why Is Breakfast Considered The Most Important Meal Of The Day?


Out of all the big and mini meals we consume on a daily basis, breakfast is considered to be the most important of them.

It was in the 13th century that the word, ‘breakfast’ came into existence. It was essentially introduced after the verb form of ‘breakfasting’ and ‘breakfasted,’ and it was called that because it would be the first meal after fasting since the previous evening’s meal.

Not only does breakfast kick – start your metabolism but also energizes your body to get things done all throughout the day. One tends to achieve a better focus, and several studies have even linked consuming healthy breakfast to the key of preventing heart diseases and another body – related diseases.

It is as simple as this when you wake up; your body requires blood sugar to push your brain and muscles to function properly. Moreover, if you skip breakfast, then you are more likely to over – eat later in the day.

Following given are some of the benefits of having healthy and timely breakfast:

  1. Proper Breakfast Allows Adequate Body functioning

When you sleep for 8 to 10 hours, your body’s glucose levels tend to decrease. Breakfast is a way of restoring glucose levels in your body. Greater glucose levels improve memory and concentration levels by making the brain healthier. It keeps us happier and stress-free at most times.


A Beginner’s Guide To Wine


Getting off the comfort zone and trying new things can be both scary and exciting all at the same time. Same idea applies on getting yourself signed up in the wine society. And that’s where the challenge comes up—you have no idea, or at least at the start.

When buying wine, from the infinite selection of wine producers to the list of favorites you want to keep a record on, not to mention the fact that you don’t know how to open a wine bottle or the right temperature to keep the wine in its most desirable taste, the list of factors to consider can be very tricky—and surely you don’t want to mess it all up.

Mistakes are inevitable—we learn from them—but in order to lessen the hassles and save money from trying the wrong ones and doing the most obvious mistake all over again, we summed up the beginner’s guide to wine.

Wine, its variety and your taste

First things first, know what you’re dealing with—and that’s wine. It is simply a beverage made up of fermented grapes or other fruits. There are different types of wine you must be aware of—white, red, rosé, sparkling, fortified wine—which comes from different kinds of grapes or fruits.

Developing your taste on choosing your favorite from these types can be very confusing. So you start from the level of sweetness that is categorized to three—dry, semi-sweet and sweet. Dry wines have their sugars fermented to alcohol; semi-sweet wines are touched with sweetness for balance in acidity; and sweet wines leave more sugars un-fermented to alcohol, making it less alcoholic.


How to Rebuild Trust AFTER Addiction


Once you have made it through your addiction, you must leave the drug rehab centre at some point. One thing you need to keep in mind is that you have likely burned some bridges along the way or said some hurtful things to those that you love. It happens. Many people are quite understanding because they know that you were under the control of your addiction.

Now that you will be leaving the rehabilitation facility, it is time to work on some of those relationships, but how can you once trust has been broken and stomped on? Below, we will go over some ways that you can begin to build trust with your loved ones AFTER you have overcome your addiction.

  1. Be Proactive in Relationships

One of the best ways to rebuild trust once you have beaten addiction is to be proactive in your relationship with people. This means that you should reach out to them, suggest things for the two of you to do, and show them that you care and appreciate them in your life.

You can confide in your loved ones and you can be there for them as well. One of the reasons why your relationship may have fallen apart in the first place is because of your lack of presence. Make note of this and promise to be different and involved. Remember, actions speak louder than words, so make sure your actions are heard.


Top Rated 5 Things To Do In Bali


Indonesia has been overrated by several tourists visiting the place from across the world. Some exclaim it to be too touristy, while others say it is one of the best experiences in their moves that they can have. If you ask me, it all depends on how you would explore this tourist destination, especially Bali, Indonesia.

Bali is a well-known spot in Indonesia regarding food, love, and dreams. But, did all this begun in Indonesia, at all?

Regardless, of the expanded locations, Indonesia is still what it is, somewhat but not quite. The country well deserves the tourist interests that it is still receiving. The top five must-visit locations that sufficiently records and demonstrates why you should still go to Indonesia are listed below; please have a look.

  1. Witness the Stunning Sunset

According to Easy Bali Villas, apart from it’s beautiful hotels and stunning villas, it is popular for its amazing sunset; so, create sure capture at least once in awhile when you are there. The most popular areas to capture an amazing sunset view are Rock Bar, cliff-side temple Uluwatu, El Kabron, and Tanah Lot. Take a great sunset day trip to Tanah Lot and Uluwatu. If you are on the way to Uluwatu, then don’t skip a night kick dancing. To get the most of your recreational holiday to Bali, seek the services of one of the experienced guides and personalize a day journey to see Bali’s features beforehand.


Pilates for People with Disabilities

Pilates for Disabilities

People with a disability are the most at risk of unhealthy weight gain and losing muscle tone, especially if they are wheelchair bound for most of the time. It is essential for them to have some kind of exercise to increase lung function and keep their cardiovascular system healthy. Pilates will not only keep them more flexible, give them more stamina and boost muscle strength; an added benefit of exercise is that it increases endorphins in the body and so makes you feel good rather than depressed, something that many disabled people struggle with.

Pilates is one form of exercise that many disabled people can take part in because it is low-impact. Developed by Joseph Pilates in the 20th century to help injured dancers and athletes recover their strength, the movements have been adapted from ballet, yoga and callisthenics. In the United States alone, over 11 million people practice Pilates.


6 Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

According to dental care experts, many people don’t like going to a dentist in case they have to have a tooth out.  The best way to avoid the need for an extraction is to go regularly so your teeth are kept in good health. Extractions don’t usually take very long and you won’t feel much pain at all. What is usually felt is the pressure as the tooth is pulled out and this doesn’t even hurt.

You’ll need to have an injection to numb the site, such as the gum surrounding soon to be removed wisdom teeth, but once the first one is done it is unlikely you’ll feel any more that are needed. As soon as the site is completely numb, the tooth will be extracted, usually in a very short time if there are no problems with it. You’ll have a wad of gauze placed into the cavity to bite on and help stop the bleeding.  Then you’ll be informed of aftercare procedures to follow.


Ways to Quickly Refuse an Alcoholic Drink in Public


If you are on the road to sobriety, maybe you have had a stay at a drug rehabilitation facility and you will find that there are many social pressures along the way. Drinking has become an activity that is done for fun, to entertain, and more. Unfortunately, just because you are on your path to becoming sober, the world around you does not stop or end the pressure.

When you are out in public, you will find that you are offered drinks from time to time and you need to fight the urge to have one. If you are faced with a situation where the pressure is on, utilise one of the ways below to quickly squash the pressure and continue down the right path.

  1. Mocktails Are Your Friend

If you are in a social situation where your friends are drinking, do not be afraid to drink a mocktail. This is also what most drug rehab centers suggest. But, wait, what is a mocktail? It is a non-alcoholic version of a cocktail. When you order one, consider ordering your favourite juice or combination of juice with some carbonated or bubbly water. You will feel like you are part of the crowd without actually having any alcohol.

  1. Focus on a Different Subject

When presented with a drink or asked why you are not drinking, don’t hesitate to change the subject and move on to something else. Simply switch over to something that has been on your mind or start telling a story to take the focus off of the alcoholic drink.

If you find that the pressure is brought back to life once you have finished telling your story or once the conversation is up, simply say, “No, I do not want to drink and would prefer not to discuss why.” Don’t be afraid to simply be assertive and persistent with your answer.


What is Liposuction?


Liposuction is a medical procedure that physically removed unwanted fat from the body, arms and thighs. Oddly enough, many people consider it a weight-loss procedure when in fact it is actually a body sculpting procedure that removes fat. These fatty deposits form in many areas of the body and are not always affected by diet or exercise.  They can make your body look lumpy or bumpy in all the wrong places. If body shape is important to you for whatever reason, you may want to consider undergoing liposuction.

How it is done

Liposuction is performed by a cosmetic surgeon (medical doctor) who is experienced in the procedure. It is done by inserting a small tube called a cannula just under the skin and sucking out the fatty deposits. These are usually kept until the procedure is finished so that the doctor knows how much liquid has been removed from your body. This will ensure you don’t become dehydrated.


How to Prepare for a Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

It’s a good idea to be prepared ahead of time for any kind of emergency so that you know what to do and have the right things to hand to treat it. For instance, if you need an emergency dentist you won’t be so likely to panic when you know what to do when you need to see your dentist.

This is especially important for those who play sports on a regular basis or for people who indulge in extreme activities. Having a dental first aid kit in the car and knowing what to do if a tooth is knocked out will ensure that you have the best chance of saving the tooth.

What you need in a dental first aid kit

  • A small container with a lid to hold the tooth
  • Contact information for your dentist
  • Painkillers that are not aspirin or ibuprofen, because they are blood thinners and will exacerbate any bleeding
  • Gauze
  • A clean handkerchief
  • A small bottle of fresh milk should be taken to each game


Information Guide To Enhancing Personal Hygiene


Hygiene is one such thing for a human being that never is taught it comes from habit and daily routine. From very young age almost all of us are thought to stay neat and clean whether at home or school. This is because good personal hygiene not only necessary for appearance but also for good health and well-being. If you make it a habit of staying clean it won’t take any time for you to take care of your health and personal hygiene.

But sometimes we think that we take enough efforts to stay hygienic but is that true? Let’s find out in this guide which will surely enhance your personal hygiene.

  1. Take a Bath Daily, if Possible Twice a Day

It is a must to take a bath in the morning this will keep you clean and fresh all day. Some people don’t bath daily which is not a good habit; this can give them skin problems like allergies, itching, rashes and more. It is also good to have a bath in the evening with little warm water to remove the dirt of the entire day from your body, and reduce the oil in your hair.

  1. Keep Your Nails Short and Clean

Nails of the hands are mostly the home for dirt and germs as they come in contact with everything you touch. So keep them clean, wash them as much as possible and keep them short so that dirt won’t accumulate in them. For all those would-be mom’s, keeping trimmed nails is one of the best ways to keep away from the unwanted tummy stretch marks.


Balinese Architecture


As reported this week from holiday experts Easy Villas, in the face of the influx of western influence into Bali, such as extravagant homes and villas and hotels the Balinese architects have, for the most part, managed to remain the proud, accomplished builders in Balinese architecture they are. They have also perpetuated the existence of traditional Bali design because of their dedication to it.

The ‘undagi’ are the traditional Balinese architecture, and it is rumored that before designing and building any new structure, they take their modern ideas and consult ancient manuscripts in order to ensure an authentic Balinese erection by following the guidelines in the ancient scribes.

In traditional Balinese architecture and design, a roof is constructed of bamboo and rattan, and then tapered to a point. Elaborately carved doors and furniture serve to celebrate the splendor of the temples with their timeless elegance and beauty.


Bali Art Festival


The gorgeous island for Bali holidays hardly needs diversions to keep the tourists who flock to stay in a nice villa from Luxury Villas Bali interested, but in case the mood strikes, there are many native art exhibits, along with a popular festival that takes place every year for one month from mid June to mid July. This is a perfect time for tourists to learn more about the cultural history and traditions of Bali. It was not originally intended for tourists so much as it was intended to instill a sense of local pride and remembrance of native traditions. It began in 1979, put on by the government to emphasize the cultural arts of Bali. The festival called Pesta Kesinian Bali is in its thirty-third year and is held at the Art Center in the city of Denpasar.

Each year focuses on a particular theme that carries deep meaning to the native Balinese people. The 2011 theme was Sudamala which means to explore the purity of conscience. There are activities held every day, ranging from parades, to native dances and wonderful markets. It was first held to help locals remember their culture and create local awareness and preservation of tradition. In addition, the government wanted to build the potential of the local culture so the Balinese cultural art festival could become a World Festival someday.

Why You Shouldn’t Overtrain


Sometimes, people get carried away with their training, never thinking that it might not be good for them. If you are really into the fitness scene and train a lot; if you are always pushing the limits to see how far you can progress, it may be time to step back a bit and look at your life. Overtraining –  especially if you have a stressful job – can have some nasty effects on your body that you should be aware of.

Everything we do including eating and even talking is a stress to our body. Some amount of stress is really good for us, but it should be balanced with rest and recovery. If you constantly train and never take any time off, it could be that your body does not have enough time to recover.  Some of the symptoms of overtraining are: –

  • Feeling drained of energy all the time
  • Aches and pains including soreness in the legs, muscles and joints
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • A sudden drop in your performance
  • Getting more colds and sore throats than usual
  • Feeling irritable and moody
  • Depression
  • Loss of enthusiasm for training or your sport
  • Lack of appetite
  • More injuries while training
  • A compulsion to exercise more


Bali Kite Flying Ban to be Expanded by the Government


Bali kite flying have proven to be a dangerous situation for  flyers on the island. Falling kites have led to a number of blackouts, followed by the recent Kite Festival resulted in the death of a child. As a result the current bylaws are being revised to expand the “no-kite zone” to include high voltage networks, and to cover power plants.

According to spokesperson Ketut Teneng the current bylaw is inadequate. It was initially put into play to protect an important Bali tradition that brings Bali locals together before harvest. More than 1200 kites of different sizes participate in the three day festival this year. Tragically an 8 year old boy was killed when a giant size kite fell and fatally wounded him. This was the 34th year of the kite festivities.

“So far, the ban on Bali kite flying has been focused on areas near Ngurah Rai Airport. We plan to extend the coverage to other vital public facilities,” Teneng said.


Bali Kuta Beach Launches First Johnny Rockets Restaurant


Bali tourists and locals are excited as Bali launches the first Johnny Rockets Restaurant. With thousands of travelers visiting Bali’s world class beaches and holiday villas every day, there is a rich tourist market in the area that is well suited to the American dining experience.

Just like the 300 other Johnny Rockets throughout 16 countries, this latest Johnny Rockets offers delicious all American meals along with some of your favorite regional dishes. From delicious hamburgers to delicious shakes, you can enjoy the music from the past eight decades as you dine.

Steve Devine, president of Johnny Rockets International, met with hospitality titan Wiryanti Sukamdani to sign an agreement to open five Johnny Rockets restaurants in the next five years throughout Indonesia.

Wiryanti brings a great deal of experience in the industry to the Johnny Rockets restaurant and is an excellent choice for a franchise partner. Sukamdani has a degree in Hotel Administration from Cornell University, and he runs Riyanti Investama International Group. He was also a member of the Indonesia Parliament and the founder of the Indonesian tourism board.


Should You Be Concerned? Signs of Teen Drug Abuse


Experimentation with drugs in adolescents is quite common, but there is cause for concern. Many teens who do use drugs in their early teen years are likely to become addicted to them when they enter into adulthood and subsequently spend time in a drug rehab or much worse. Since the brain is not fully formed as a teenager, addiction can happen quickly, thus leaving your teen in danger.

It is important that you take the time to learn what teen drug abuse looks like and what to do. You may just be saving your child’s life. Below, we will go over what to look for and help you identify the signs that indicate there may be a problem.

Signs to Watch For Before You Need to Book into Drug Rehab;

While your teen may try to hide the fact the he or she is experimenting with drugs, continued drug use will eventually show symptoms and there will be warning signs. Some of the most common signs to look out for include:

  • Intense feelings of hunger
  • Poor grades in school or poor performance in extracurricular activities
  • Irritability and anger
  • Lethargy and tiredness
  • Loss of interest in activities that were once stimulating to the teen
  • Decline in the way your teen cares for himself or herself
  • Hanging out with known dealers or teens who experiment and use drugs


What Type of Wines you need to Pair with Veggie Burgers


Wines always go about with any of the food items but choosing a wine to suit your burgers can be a complex task. Wine was made to go about with some of the delicate foods. Burgers on the other hand are fast foods that need a different form of wine to go along with it. In this section we will take a look at how to choose the wines.

If you have already chosen a beautiful white as your wine of choice, here is a list of foods that go well when served with a Sauvignon Blanc, otherwise, here is a list that will help you get the right wine for your burgers so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Tip 1:

Since the burger is junk food stuff you need to make sure to get a full bodied wine for enjoying your dish. You can also enjoy your burger if you pair it with sparkling wine which will ensure the flavors of the burger emanate from it.

Tip 2:

Is there a vegetable which dominates in your vegetable burger? If there is a burger that has a single vegetable dominating in it then you need to choose a wine that will help in intensifying the effect of that single veggie. For instance if you have mushroom dominating in your burger, you can choose the pinot noir while the asparagus will pair brilliantly with a glass of chardonnay. You need to identify the various vegetables that are dominant and choose a wine based on it.


How to Exercise in Stolen Moments

How to Exercise

These days everyone seems to be so busy they can hardly fit in time to exercise and stay healthy. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your life and seem to have no more than a few minutes to spare, that’s okay because studies have shown 10 minute segments of exercise throughout the day work just as effectively to lose weight and get fit as a half or one hour segment.

Here are some tips to help you find those few minutes and use them efficiently to get fit.

  • If you go outside in the morning to pick up the paper, go for a brisk 5 minute walk as well. That will be 10 minutes by the time you return.


Top Tips On What To Eat When You Are Training

What To Eat

Training requires fuel, but it has to be the right kind of fuel or all that exercising will be wasted as you pile on the weight. When you eat properly before training it gives you more stamina to get through all those workouts. When you eat properly afterwards, it helps your body recover well so you can keep on with your training goals.

Here are some experts tips on what to eat when training.


  • Before – Simple and complex carbohydrates are essential for giving your body the fuel it needs to go through your training regime. It’s important that the energy is released in a slow and steady way during the whole routine. Whole wheat toast with banana and cinnamon is a good way to get what you need. The toast provides long term energy and the fruit will replenish the potassium lost when you sweat. Cinnamon is said to stabilise blood sugar as well as improve brain function.
  • After– try chicken with mixed vegetables in olive oil. This gives you lean protein and carbs without making you feel bloated.
