6 Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

According to dental care experts, many people don’t like going to a dentist in case they have to have a tooth out.  The best way to avoid the need for an extraction is to go regularly so your teeth are kept in good health. Extractions don’t usually take very long and you won’t feel much pain at all. What is usually felt is the pressure as the tooth is pulled out and this doesn’t even hurt.

You’ll need to have an injection to numb the site, such as the gum surrounding soon to be removed wisdom teeth, but once the first one is done it is unlikely you’ll feel any more that are needed. As soon as the site is completely numb, the tooth will be extracted, usually in a very short time if there are no problems with it. You’ll have a wad of gauze placed into the cavity to bite on and help stop the bleeding.  Then you’ll be informed of aftercare procedures to follow.

Caring for an extraction cavity

It’s important to do everything you are told, including keeping pressure on that gauze for the right amount of time. Another really important thing is to leave the clot of blood that forms in the socket; don’t try to remove it. If you do, the socket with become what is called a ‘dry socket’ and cause a lot of pain. You’ll need to go back for further treatment, which will usually consist of the dentist making it bleed again so another clot will form. Clots form for a reason and nature knows the best cure.

Once the gauze is out, you’ll be allowed to gently rinse the mouth with warm, salt water to cleanse it.  By this time the numb feeling might be wearing off. If you are in pain, take painkillers but not aspirin or ibuprofen as they are blood thinners and might cause more bleeding.  Be careful not to chew on that side until it is completely healed. You might want to eat soft foods or soup for a few days.  When cleaning your teeth, take care to avoid touching the wound with the brush.

If you are wondering about reasons for a tooth extraction there are several –

  1. If you have a broken tooth with damage to the root
  2. A tooth that is badly decayed.
  3. Extra teeth sometimes come in and block other teeth from erupting
  4. Wisdom teeth that are impacted or causing other problems
  5. People getting braces may need extractions to make room for teeth to straighten
  6. A first tooth that refuses to come out may need to be removed by the dentist.

Even if you have had toothache for some time, you still may not have to have an extraction. The dental professional usually tries to save the tooth by some other means. It is always better to keep your natural teeth if possible.